Hyde Park Infant and Junior Schools now have a federated Governing Body that covers both schools.
Our aim is to provide an inclusive, warm, caring and stimulating environment where every child can gain self-confidence and learn to become independent. It is important that the children are not only encouraged to have self-respect but that they are given the opportunity to appreciate the value of others. Each individual child is helped to develop his/her own personality within a secure environment whilst always being aware of the needs of others.
We firmly believe that children learn effectively in a secure, caring atmosphere where they have access to a wide range of first hand experiences. We aim to develop in the children a sense of responsibility, self-discipline and a thoughtful attitude towards others. We deliberately create situations in which they can show initiative, self-reliance and consideration. Opportunities are given for working co-operatively with other children and adults as well as on individual tasks.
We have high expectations of the children and encourage them to set themselves high standards of work and behaviour. Our broad and balanced curriculum meets and extends the requirements of the National Curriculum, providing continuity and progression; this means that we are concerned with the acquisition of knowledge, the understanding of concepts, and the skills of problem solving, aesthetic appreciation, physical development and the application of these to every day situations. We are committed to a child centred educational approach, which enables the individual to develop their own potential so that they may become independent, responsible, useful, thinking, confident and considerate members of the community.
This list is by no means complete but might go some way to show the enormous task we willingly undertake. It is important to remember that children are individuals and do not all develop at the same pace and that they must be valued for what they are not for what they have achieved. We recognise the crucial role which parents play in their children’s education and make every effort to encourage parental involvement in the educational process in a partnership style.
The Federated Governors currently serving the children and the schools are as follows:
Ms Rachel Mathis - Chair
Mrs Yvonne Russell-Jones - Executive Headteacher
Dr Simon Horne - Co- opted Governor
Mrs Kate Harvey - Vice Chair, Co-opted Governor
Mr Warren Stonebridge - Parent Governor
Mrs Sara Degg - Staff Governor
Ms Jane Ford - Co-opted Governor
Mr Clive Browne - Co-opted Governor
Miss Harriet Riley
Dr Leah Daley - Co-opted Governor
Teresa Skingle – Clerk to Governors
If you wish to contact the chair of the school governors by email please use the email below:
or by post to:
Rachel Mathis
Hyde Park Schools
Hyde Park Road
Hyde Park Infant School became part of the Learning Academies Trust on 1 August 2023. Hyde Park Infant School and Hyde Park Junior School have a federated governing board.
Learning Academies Trust is a company limited by guarantee and is an exempt charity.
Learning Academies Trust is registered at Companies House [Registration no.10285015].
Learning Academies Trust Board is accountable in law for all decisions about its academies.
However, the Trust Board have agreed within their Scheme of Delegation that many decisions can and should be delegated to the local governing bodies.
The Governing Body of the school is made up of people from a variety of backgrounds. The school governors are a group of individuals, who are elected, nominated or co-opted and are representatives of parents and staff, and the local community. School Governors work with the Headteacher and are responsible for setting the strategic direction of the school.
Our purpose as a governing body is to support and improve the school through our involvement, providing supportive, active and critical voice to ensure that the school achieves its maximum potential and every pupil achieves.
The three key functions for the Governing Body are:
To ensure that the vision, ethos & strategic direction of the school are clearly defined;
To ensure that the Headteacher performs her responsibilities for the educational performance of the school;
To ensure the sound, proper & effective use of the school’s financial resources.
The Governing Body adopts an executive responsibility approach to its functionality & reports through Governor meetings held six times a year. Where committees are required, the chair of those committees is listed below:
Review Committee - Rachel Mathis
Head Teacher Performance Review Committee - Kate Harvey
You can contact the Chair by emailing Rachel.mathis@hydeparkprimary.co.uk
You can see information about our governing board below.
Name: | Rachel Mathis |
Category: | Co-opted |
Appointing Body: | Trust Board |
Term: | 07/2019 - 07/2023 |
Responsibilities: | Chair, Safeguarding |
Register of interests: | Nil |
Other Governorship: | Nil |
Profile: | I have recently been appointed as a co-opted governor (September 2019) and am excited about joining the Federated Governing Body. I look forward to using my skills in supporting
the leadership teams to ensure that each and every child has equal opportunity to reach their full potential. I retired in December 2018 following a 35 year career in the energy sector, working in IT and latterly in Supply Chain. During my career I have amassed skills that are transferrable to the role of governor. I feel that these skills, and the time commitment I can make, will enable me to provide a significant contribution to the Governing Body. |
Attendance for Previous academic Year: | 83% (5 out of 6 meetings) |
Name: | Kate Harvey |
Category: | Co-opted |
Appointing Body: | Trust Board |
Term: | 09/2019 - 09/2023 |
Responsibilities: | Maths, Early Years, SEN |
Register of interests: | Nil |
Other Governorship: | Nil |
Profile: | I am newly appointed to the board of governors as a co-opted governor, I have recently moved to the area and enrolled my children in the schools. I now have a personal and long-term vested interest in Hyde Park Federation and would love to offer any experiences I can to support the school. I believe that a big part of teaching is the ability to collaboratively work together; children, parents, teachers, leadership, schools and academies. Sharing views and maximising a range of skills and experiences which will ultimately ensure the children have the best opportunities in a safe, warm and happy environment. I am a primary school teacher and for the last five years I have been in years 5/6. My subject lead is DT and I have a great passion for STEM and raising children’s aspirations, there are some amazing community STEM links and I place a lot of importance on utilising these links and encouraging the children to experience real-world lessons regarding science, technology, engineering and mathematics. |
Attendance for Previous academic Year: | 100 % (6 out of 6 meetings) |
Name: | Warren Stonebridge |
Category: | Parent Governor |
Appointing Body: | Parent community |
Term: | 06/07/2021 - 05/07/2025 |
Responsibilities: | Curriculum, Maths |
Register of interests: | N/A |
Other Governorship: | N/A |
Profile: | Newly appointed to the board as a parent Governor in July 2021, I feel I have joined the school at a very exciting time. My son Ted left last year and my daughter Emily is about to start Year 4. A bit about me. I worked in the voluntary and charity sector for 10 years as a professional mediator and trained counsellor and spent several years in international IT recruitment. In 2001, I was fortunate enough to travel through South East Asia and drive around the whole of Australia. For the last 13 years, I have been a primary school teacher at an outstanding school in Plymouth. I have been the subject lead in both computing and maths for the last 5 years and consistently aim to raise standards in all areas of my school. I also take an active lead in PSHE. I am also a PLE (Plymouth Leader of Education) and assist other schools with professional development in many areas. I feel my particular set of skills and experience will be of benefit to the Hyde Park community and I look forward to working collaboratively with the team. |
Attendance for Previous academic Year: | 83% (5 out of 6 meetings) |
Name: | Sara Degg |
Category: | Staff Governor |
Appointing Body: | Trust Board |
Term: | 03/2022 - 07/2026 |
Responsibilities: | |
Register of interests: | |
Other Governorship: | |
Profile: | |
Attendance for Previous academic Year: | 100 % (6 out of 6 meetings) |
Name: | Jane Ford |
Category: | Co-opted |
Appointing Body: | Governing Body |
Term: | 05/2022 - 05/2026 |
Responsibilities: | |
Register of interests: | |
Other Governorship: | None |
Profile: | I have recently been appointed as a co-opted governor on the Federated Governing Board and I am looking forward to working collaboratively with both schools.
My professional background has always been in education. I have taught extensively at both primary and secondary level in both the UK and in Malta.
Positions of responsibility include: History lead teacher in a primary school, co-ordinating external examinations in Malta and being Head of English in a secondary school in Plymouth.
I have served as a governor in the past at both a Plymouth primary school and a secondary school community college. I am no longer working as a teacher but am still very passionate about education and believe that it is vital that every child is given the opportunities to achieve their potential in a safe and caring environment. I would like to use the skills that I have developed as both a teacher and a governor to support the important work of the Federated Governing Board. As I live locally, I also have a good understanding of the area. |
Attendance for Previous academic Year: | 100 % (6 out of 6 meetings) |
Name: | Leah Daley |
Category: | Co-opted |
Appointing Body: | Governing Body |
Term: | 09/2022 - 09/2026 |
Responsibilities: | |
Register of interests: | |
Other Governorship: | None |
Profile: | Appointed to the Federated Governing Body in September 2022, I am excited to be part of the Hyde Park team and help support both infants and juniors in reaching their
full potential. The school has already provided my daughter – who has just completed Early Years - with a great educational foundation, and I would like to help ensure that all children thrive
in a supportive, welcoming environment that focuses on attainment, friendship and inclusivity. I am a television producer with over 10 years experience in the media industry and I hope to bring some of the skills I’ve developed to the Governing Body. I’m passionate about providing the best opportunities for children in order to help them grow as individuals. I’ve worked closely with the charity, Plymouth Children in Poverty, to produce films that demonstrate what local children can achieve in the city and can aspire to in the future. I have a PhD in Geography and as well as an advocate for the environment and STEM education, I love learning… and my wish is that every child at Hyde Park can experience that same love too. |
Attendance for Previous academic Year: | 67% (4 out of 6 meetings) |
Name: | Clive Browne |
Category: | Co-opted |
Appointing Body: | Governing Body |
Term: | 01/2023 - 01/2027 |
Responsibilities: | |
Register of interests: | |
Other Governorship: | None |
Profile: | Appointed to the Federated Governing Board in January 2023, I'm excited to have joined a team who are clearly committed to helping provide the best opportunities possible
for Hyde Park school children. I've watched the schools provide my own two children with a great start to their education and am keen to offer my support in ensuring that all children enjoy
similar opportunities. My professional background lies primarily in the IT industry where I've spent over 15 years supporting, delivering and project managing a wide range of IT services. Unsurprisingly, given this background, I'm really interested in STEM topics and passionately believe that all children should have access and exposure to as many opportunities as possible in this area. I shall always be a champion of providing as many and varied experiences as possible to our children and will work within the Governing Body to support the schools in providing such opportunities in a safe, caring and secure environment. |
Attendance for Previous academic Year: | 100% (4 out of 4 meetings) |
Name: | Dr Si Horne OBE PhD |
Category: | Co-opted |
Appointing Body: | Governing Body |
Term: | |
Responsibilities: | |
Register of interests: | |
Other Governorship: | None |
Profile: | Si Horne lives just around the corner from Hyde Park, his (grown up) children both went there, and his wife (Kris Horne) still works there. He is an Army Consultant in Emergency Medicine, working at Derriford when not required on operations. In the past he has also been the lead for Emergency Medicine for the Army, and Deputy Medical Director for University Hospitals Plymouth. Alongside his clinical work, he has worked in health system development around the world and has also spent time as an academic – interested in the practicalities and ethics of managing organisations that are overloaded. He is also a keen bass guitar player and potter. |
Attendance for Previous academic Year: | |
Name: | Harriet Riley |
Category: | |
Appointing Body: | Governing Body |
Term: | |
Responsibilities: | |
Register of interests: | |
Other Governorship: | None |
Profile: | I am really excited to join the governors at Hyde Park Schools. I have two sons who attend, one in Juniors and one in Infants.
I have an interest in education, particularly in relation to STEM and the benefits that early exposure can bring to children. I am passionate about ensuring that each
child is given the opportunities to achieve their potential in a safe, caring and inclusive environment. I have worked in IT for over 15 years. My current role is an IT Project Manager at Babcock International Group, working on large projects which require collaboration to effect the best outcomes. I’m looking forward to using my skills from my professional experience to provide the support and positive challenges to ensure the best outcomes for the Hyde Park community. |
Attendance for Previous academic Year: |
The following people left the federation;
Sue Youens (March 2019)
Mathias Shortcook (March 2019)
Anthony Greenfield (March 2022)
Phil Hart (March 2022)
Glyn Price (2023)
Lucy Richards (2024)
Clerk to Trustees
Learning Academies Trust
Please note I work part-time hours. I will respond to your message as soon as I can, however, if your query is urgent, please contact the Central Team on 01752 938028
Hyde Park FGB Business Interests 2023-2024