Hyde Park Infants Logo Hyde Park Infant School T: 01752 225493
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Executive Head - Mrs Yvonne Jones

Head of School Junior - Mr Mark Dellow

Head of School Infant - Mrs Emma Foster


(EY) CEDAR – Miss Natasha Easton / Mrs E Boobier

(EY) OAK – Mr Ed Morris / Mrs Louise Hodgins

(EY) ASH – Miss Emma Martin / Mrs Heather Mayes

(Y1) BEECH – Miss Carla Brown / Mrs Sue Evans

(Y1) POPLAR – Mrs Sarah Blackmore & Mrs Gemma Vince / Mrs Emma Gillard

(Y1) WILLOW - Ms A Bloomfield / Mrs Ka Rayment /Mrs Jo Darke & Mrs Donna Ranford 1-2-1

(Y2) ELM - Miss Josie Bryce / Mrs Caroline Allchin

(Y2) HOLLY - Mrs Sara Degg / Mrs Karen Gerson

(Y2) SYCAMORE – Mr Geoff Horne / Mrs Kris Horne

Other staff members

Mrs V Rhodes - Senior Administrator

Mrs K Matthews - Administrator

TME - ICT Technician

Mr S Bouch - Caretaker

Mrs J Mayes - Whole School Play Supervisor (Mid-Day)

Mrs L Hurley - Mid-Day Supervisor

Mrs J Jones - Mid-Day Supervisor

Miss H Norfolk - Mid-Day Supervisor

Mrs D Ranford - Mid-Day Supervisor

Mrs R Tarafder - Mid-Day Supervisor

Mr P Dye - School Cook

School Nurse - Can be contacted through school or on 314179

Mrs Bridget Stovold - Educational Welfare Officer