As Head Teacher of the Infant School I am proud to serve on the federated governing body. I have been teaching for over 30 years and am in a privileged position to ensure that children in my care receive the highest quality of education within a safe and caring environment. Every child matters and I work hard with my staff, the parents and our governors to ensure that being at the Hyde Park Schools is a rewarding and happy experience for all children.
Federation is a wonderful opportunity to develop the working relationship between our two schools, building on our strengths to create a shared culture in a positive and supportive climate. Prior to joining Hyde Park Junior School as Head Teacher in April 2015, I had been Head of Infant, Junior and Primary schools and so know how important it is to ensure continuity and progression for all pupils. I look forward to working together with the Governing Body and our school communities to ensure that all our children enjoy the positive, challenging experience of school that every child deserves.
I’m a primary school teacher by profession but am currently working as an Education Consultant for Plymouth Local Authority (LA) supporting the education needs of children in care. I also deliver Safer Recruitment Training for the LA.
I have two teenage children who both attended Hyde Park Infant and Junior School and during this time I served as a Parent Governor on the Junior Governing Body. I am also an ex-pupil myself!
I therefore welcome the challenge to support the newly federated Infant and Junior School and am delighted to be representing the Local Authority on the Governing Body.
I am the lead governor responsible for Safeguarding, Headteacher wellbeing (Juniors) and also Maths.
I am a staff member of the infant school and I have been a governor for 10 years before becoming a member of the federated governing board in April 2015. I am looking forward to supporting the federated governing board, particularly in the areas I have responsibility in school, which include SEND, maths and assessing pupil progress.